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Addressing homelessness in the areas we operateAddressing homelessness in the areas we operate
Duchy communities are purposefully designed to address local housing needs, we work closely with partners to deliver high levels of affordable housing wherever possible to tackle home insecurity and address homelessness.

Our affordable homes are all built to the same high quality and integrated through neighborhoods to help build interconnected communities.

As one of HRH Prince William's key priorities for the Duchy, we are exploring multiple opportunities to address and tackle homelessness on our estate to support the wider community.
00727 Hugh Hastings Nansledan 17 July 2020 1
00400 Hugh Hastings Nansledan 3 March 2020
Working with pioneering partners St Petrocs
In April 2024, The Duchy announced its first innovative housing project to help tackle homelessness in Nansledan, Newquay.

The Duchy is partnering with Cornish charity St Petrocs, who will provide wrap around care for 24 homes. Residents will be able to build community connections through training and employment with neighbouring community hub, Newquay Orchard.

The first phase of this development will focus on creating high quality temporary accommodation that feels like home with a clear pathway to a permanent home as accommodation becomes available.

The St Petrocs homes will be built in the same local Cornish character as the rest of Nansledan to enable residents live in dignity, harnessing the benefit of the active local community and providing tailored care and support that will make a long term difference to people's lives. The homes will be net zero in their use and will home their first residents in Autumn 2025.
“We want to be part of the solution when it comes to the housing crisis. With support and expertise from St Petrocs, Homewards and an active local community, we will be helping people rebuild their lives, with training and employment opportunities alongside the provision of more permanent housing that we are building” - Ben Murphy, Estate Director
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