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Building sustainable communitiesBuilding sustainable communities
05621 Hugh Hastings Nansledan 10 November 2023
00566A Hugh Hastings Tregurra Park 20 May 2020
The communities we build are designed to be exemplary and highly sustainable, set in beautiful and accessible natural environments, where local wildlife and habitat are greatly enhanced for the community to enjoy.

We pride ourselves on good design, quality materials and local sourcing to reduce the amount of carbon released during the construction and life of our communities.

In our communities such as Nansledan, our approach to sustainability is truly holistic. We enable low carbon lifestyles through the provision of energy efficient, low carbon housing, workspaces, local shops, infrastructure and community facilities within walkable neighbourhoods.

Our communities are set within diverse and active environments, which greatly enhance local biodiversity, amenity and local production of food with edible streets, allotments and orchards.
“For the people who live and work in and around the land and property the Duchy owns, we want them to feel the benefits of a transition to a net zero and nature rich estate. By doing this, we will secure a positive future for this generation, and those who follow.” - David Cope, Head of Sustainability
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