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An aerial view of Poundbury
A row of pastel houses on a sunny day
About the community:
Poundbury is an urban extension to the Dorset county town of Dorchester, currently home to 5,000 people and over 250 businesses.
• Poundbury was built on the principles of architecture and urban planning as advocated by HM King Charles III.
• Once complete in 2028, Poundbury will include 2,750 homes.
• The community provides employment for over 2,700 people, which equates to more than one job per home built.
Poundbury reflects four key principles for a vibrant, healthy and sustainable community:
Architecture of place
Creating beauty using natural materials (where possible) reflecting local character and identity.
Integrated affordable housing
35% of the homes being built are affordable, delivered to the same high quality and integrated throughout the development.
Mix of uses
Homes sit alongside retail, office, industrial, health, educational and community uses, creating jobs and reducing car dependency.
Walkable community
Designed around people rather than cars, inter-connecting neighbourhoods with greenspaces ranging from parks and woodlands to allotments and orchards.
Visitors enjoying a local coffee shop at Poundbury
Visitors enjoying the buttermarket on a sunny day
The road to 2028
As the promoter and master developer of Poundbury, we engage with the local community to help guide the design and delivery of community facilities. Consultation events have included landscaping, play areas and proposals for wider community benefits.

Poundbury challenged the prevailing planning policy and house building model of the latter part of the 20th century. As Poundbury has developed, it has demonstrated that there is a genuine alternative to the way in which we build new homes in the UK. This has provided a plan to advocate for a stronger focus on more sustainable mixed communities.

In 2018, Dorset County Council completed Economic Impact Assessments of Poundbury. It found the town is contributing over £98 million per annum to the local economy.

Find out more on the Poundbury website.
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