Kernewek (in Cornish)
Learn about the Duchy in Cornish
An Dhuketh a veu gwrys yn 1337 gans Edward III rag y vab hag er, Pennsevik Edward neb a veu aswonys a-wosa avel an Pennsevik Du.
Y Ughelder Riel Pennsevik William a dheuth ha bos an 25es Duk a Gernow pan dheuth dhe’n tron yn 2022 y das Y Veuredh Myghtern Charles III. Yn-dann idyans an Duk a Gernow a-lemmyn, an Dhuketh a omgemmer rag dyghtya an stat yn maner yw sostenadow, ragwelesek hag a dhelirv effeyth lesel dhe gemenethow leel.
Stat an Dhuketh a-lemmyn a gomprehend moy es 128,400 erow a-dreus dhe 20 konteth yn Pow Sows ha Kembra. Ynno y kevir bargennyow tir aradow ha rag bestes, kerthow anedhel ha kenwerthel, keffrys ha koswigow, avonyow, mengleudhyow, hag arvor.
Ny’n jeves an Duk a Gernow titel dhe jatel arghansek an stat. Reyth 1838 an Dhukethow a Lancaster ha Kernow (Akontys) a ros rann dhe Dresorva YV ow surhe na yll gwriansow gwrys gans py Duk pynag hag ev ow tyghtya an Dhuketh peryllya talvosogeth hirdermyn an stat.
An Dhuketh a arveth moy es 150 den, neb a ober a-dreus dhe eth sodhva yn Loundres, Bath, Dartmoor, Hereford, Nansledan, Rostorrmel ha Syllan, keffrys ha negysyow an Dhuketh hy honan – Plansva Dhuketh Kernow ha Penntiow Dygol an Dhuketh. I a gesober rag delivra gwelesigeth ha talvosogethow an stat ow trehevel hag ow skoodhya kemenethow.
Y Ughelder Riel Pennsevik William a dheuth ha bos an 25es Duk a Gernow pan dheuth dhe’n tron yn 2022 y das Y Veuredh Myghtern Charles III. Yn-dann idyans an Duk a Gernow a-lemmyn, an Dhuketh a omgemmer rag dyghtya an stat yn maner yw sostenadow, ragwelesek hag a dhelirv effeyth lesel dhe gemenethow leel.
Stat an Dhuketh a-lemmyn a gomprehend moy es 128,400 erow a-dreus dhe 20 konteth yn Pow Sows ha Kembra. Ynno y kevir bargennyow tir aradow ha rag bestes, kerthow anedhel ha kenwerthel, keffrys ha koswigow, avonyow, mengleudhyow, hag arvor.
Ny’n jeves an Duk a Gernow titel dhe jatel arghansek an stat. Reyth 1838 an Dhukethow a Lancaster ha Kernow (Akontys) a ros rann dhe Dresorva YV ow surhe na yll gwriansow gwrys gans py Duk pynag hag ev ow tyghtya an Dhuketh peryllya talvosogeth hirdermyn an stat.
An Dhuketh a arveth moy es 150 den, neb a ober a-dreus dhe eth sodhva yn Loundres, Bath, Dartmoor, Hereford, Nansledan, Rostorrmel ha Syllan, keffrys ha negysyow an Dhuketh hy honan – Plansva Dhuketh Kernow ha Penntiow Dygol an Dhuketh. I a gesober rag delivra gwelesigeth ha talvosogethow an stat ow trehevel hag ow skoodhya kemenethow.
The Duchy was created in 1337 by Edward III for his son and heir, Prince Edward who was later known as the Black Prince.
HRH Prince William became the 25th Duke of Cornwall when his father HM King Charles III acceded to the throne in 2022. Under the guidance of the current Duke of Cornwall, it is the Duchy's responsibility to manage the estate in a way that is sustainable, forward-thinking and delivers impact to local communities.
The current Duchy estate encompasses over 128,400 acres across 20 counties in England and Wales. It includes arable and livestock farms, residential and commercial properties, as well as forests, rivers, quarries, and coastline.
The Duke of Cornwall is not entitled to the capital assets of the estate. The Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall (Accounts) Act 1838 gave HM Treasury a role in ensuring that actions taken by any Duke when managing the Duchy cannot compromise the long-term value of the estate.
The Duchy employs more than 150 people, who work across eight offices in London, Bath, Dartmoor, Hereford, Poundbury, Nansledan, Restormel and The Isles of Scilly, as well as in the Duchy's own businesses – Duchy of Cornwall Nursery and Duchy Holiday Cottages. They work together to deliver on the estate’s vision and values building and supporting communities.
HRH Prince William became the 25th Duke of Cornwall when his father HM King Charles III acceded to the throne in 2022. Under the guidance of the current Duke of Cornwall, it is the Duchy's responsibility to manage the estate in a way that is sustainable, forward-thinking and delivers impact to local communities.
The current Duchy estate encompasses over 128,400 acres across 20 counties in England and Wales. It includes arable and livestock farms, residential and commercial properties, as well as forests, rivers, quarries, and coastline.
The Duke of Cornwall is not entitled to the capital assets of the estate. The Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall (Accounts) Act 1838 gave HM Treasury a role in ensuring that actions taken by any Duke when managing the Duchy cannot compromise the long-term value of the estate.
The Duchy employs more than 150 people, who work across eight offices in London, Bath, Dartmoor, Hereford, Poundbury, Nansledan, Restormel and The Isles of Scilly, as well as in the Duchy's own businesses – Duchy of Cornwall Nursery and Duchy Holiday Cottages. They work together to deliver on the estate’s vision and values building and supporting communities.